Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008

Last week Weston announced to us that he wanted to sign up for football when the season came.... His sisters have been doing cheerleading practice for over a month. Football practice began the same day cheerleading did. We just love our Weston! Thomas and I both thought it was too late. I brought it up last Saturday at the football Jamboree, at which the girls were cheering. I then found out that he could still sign up. So thanks to a great clinic, nurse, and doctor we were able to get a physical squeezed in today. We picked up a brand spankin new pair of cleats and took him to his first practice tonight. Or so I thought. Apparently the younger boys and older boys were practicing tonight. The boys his age(JV) practive tomorrow. So, the great coaches had him work with the younger boys tonight. Weston is 11, 64 inches tall and 145 pounds. He is tall around boys his own age. So on the field with the younger boys he really stood out. Football is a new sport for our family so it will be fun watching him learn and play.
Today, Thomas and I have been married 18 years. We met and were immediately fast friends over 21 years ago. It is such a cliche' but where does the time go? He still makes me smile and laugh every day. I have a silly grin on my face just writing that so I will move on to say that I am grateful for the blessings I have in my life.


Sarah Burgoyne said...

18 years on 8-18-08 that only happens once! I hope you had a great anniversary :)

Michele said...

80 years is probably the closest we will ever come to that again...But that would mean we would both have to live to be over 100.... I guess we just have that to live forward to! Whoo hoo! :)